
Musiksendung von Jürgen Hellwig, produziert beim Medienforum Duisburg e. V.

Healing Hands - Benefiz-CD für "Ärzte ohne Grenzen"


Healing Hands CD fundraiser reaches new heights

Posted: 3:12 pm September 1, 2024


ONE year after his hugely successful CD album ‘Healing Hands’ raised thousands of euros for Doctors Without Borders, the Rann na Feirste man behind the special fundraiser is planning more special performances.


A host of Donegal musicians inlcuding Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh, Manus Lunny, Ian Smith, and Stephen Campbell were brought together by Rann na Feirste’s adopted son Harald ‘Mór’ Juengst to compile the beautiful CD – a project that was five years in the making.


The fundraiser is now very close to reaching the €10,000 mark in donations, and close to 1,000 on CD/download sales, supporting the selfless work of Doctors Without Borders who are treating patients in Gaza with burns and trauma wounds.


“With donations like ours, they recently doubled their bed capacity,” Harald told the Donegal News.

“I know it’s not enough but every little step counts.”


Two major fundraising events took place this weekend, which Harald hoped would raise some more funds for and awareness of the worthy cause.


On Friday, Harald played the relaxing hand pan music at Supervalu, Dungloe, from 10am to 6pm. He took donations via a bucket collection, and also had copies of the CD for sale.


On Saturday, the same event was held in Aldi in Dungloe, from 10am to 6pm.

“I am absolutely optimistic that the €10,000/1,000 CD copies marks will be achieved on these days. The people of Donegal have been absolutely magic in supporting my project for this good cause.”


German-born Harald said the fundraiser recently reached new heights, featuring on the pages of an in-flight magazine.


“Our CD and project got a nice slot and review in Donegal Airport’s recent ‘Take Off’ magazine, which is available at the airport and several other outlets, as well as online.


“Over in Germany we also got a really fair mention in two television interviews and numerous radio presentations and air play, plus write ups and reviews in different papers.


“Three tracks of the album made it into the permanent play list of the German high profile radio station WDR Cologne. What an honour,” said Harald.


Healing Hands CD can be purchased at Crolly Whiskey Distillery, The Cope Dungloe / Annagry, Donegal Airport, O´Donnells Petrol Station /Shop, Annagry Post Office, or it can be ordered through the website www.harald-juengst.com or via download.




mdr - KULTUR - Interview mit Harald - "Healing Hands"


CD "Healing Hands"  und Celtic Dreamtime Porträt  im TV


Das Neue Album "Healing Hands" präsentiert eine Auswahl von hochkarätigen traditionellen Folk-Musikern und Sängern aus Donegal im Nordwesten Irlands. Dazu gehören Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh (Altan), Manus Lunny (Capercaillie) und Eamon Mc Elholm (Solas, Stockton's Wing), um nur einige zu nennen.
Bei dieser CD wollte ich auch herausfinden, ob der metallische Klang meiner Handpan eine bisher unbekannte Klangfarbe in die irische Musik bringen kann. Die berührend-intensiven Songs und Instrumentals dieser CD reichen von romantisch bis dynamisch.

20.02.2024 - Celtic Music Radio FM  Glasgow / Scotland - "Folk n Stuff"  CD "Healing Hands" Presentation.

Pressestimmen zu "Healing Hands":


Rheinische Post 

Diese CD bietet Irish Folk auf höchstem Niveau - sowohl vokal als auch instrumental.


Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung  (WAZ )

Eine ungewöhnliche, spannende und musikalisch inspirierende  CD , die zu einem ganz besonderen Hörerlebnis einlädt .


Neue Ruhr Zeitung ( NRZ)

Ein Album, das mit seinem kristallklaren Sound die klassische irische Volksmusik modern interpretiert.

Just released

This album " Healing Hands" presents a selection of top-class traditional and folk musicians and singers from Donegal in Ireland´s north west.

Among them are Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh ( Altan), Manus Lunny ( Capercaillie) and Eamon Mc Elholm ( Solas, Stockton´s Wing ) , to name but a few.

On this CD I also wanted to find out whether the metallic sound of my handpan could bring a hitherto unknown timbre to Irish music.


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